+31 6 43702311 hello@claudiakroon.com

12 of 12 is a blogging/ photography project originally started by Chad Darnell (of which I can find no reliable internet source). It seems that the original project has stopped, but many bloggers still carry on the tradition.

Usually, I am not one for photos, I like words much better. (This is where you go to check out my other blog posts ๐Ÿ˜‰) And I never get to 12 photos a day… Anyway, I want to show you what my everyday life looks like. Maybe, you’ll find some inspiration for a daily routine or a new hobby…

7:30 Obviously: the day starts with coffee.

Selfie of Claudia with a coffee cup

9:00 My kid told me that I could take one of his stuffies to work – so I did.

a laptop and a stuffy toy

This blog post is part of a challenge. Trying to do something different. And keeping track of it ๐Ÿ˜‰

calendar page with a grid

12:15: time for lunch!

lunch tray

12:30 Getting ready for my (almost) daily lunch walk. Today I took a walk with my husband.

selfie of Claudia

The things we see while walking.

a street and some trees, a typical Dutch neighbourhood

Not ours, but definitely a cutie that I had to say “hi” to.

cat sitting by a canal

16:00 Finishing up my video calls for the day.

selfie of Claudia with a headset

17:15 Cat says: finish up already!

black cat sitting on a desk

17:45 Preparing a basket with Christmas gifts for this really cool anonymous advent calendar I participate in almost every year.

basked with christmas gifts

18:00 Picking up the kid from after school day care. He just learned to cycle, so we do the 300m by bike.

two bicycles from behind with a boy standing next to his bicycle

19:30 Getting ready for Zumba class.

selfie of Claudia in gym clothes

I got to 12 photos this time. That’s… surprising. 12 perfectly normal things from my day. If you had to highlight one perfectly normal thing, what would that be?