Somehow, I missed the 12 of 12 post in December, but today I’m back with 12 photos from my everyday life. I actually made it to 13 pictures today! Again, I’m not great with photos, but they’ll do, to show what we do on a “lazy” Sunday.
Today was a cheat day. I try to consistently get up a 7 a.m. nowadays. Today, I got to sleep in.

Next up: working on an Instagram-post, that was supposed to go up yesterday.

Today’s the day: Christmas decorations have to go.

Who’s taking the boxes back to the attic?

Well deserved coffee break. And playing with the filters on my camera-app, because why not?

Continuing with the Christmas-decoration-cleanup. Why did we draw on the windows again?

I love a good to-do list. And I love crossing tasks off. Window cleaning ✅

Time to chill after all that cleaning. The 4 of us ended up on the sofa with a movie (and more coffee!)

Dinner-prep: 20 minutes in the oven, add green pesto, and it was delightful!

It’s Sunday, so preparing for next week is essential. Going over my diary and adding appointments.

Bedtime. I set up my “workspace”, so I can stay in the room while our son goes to sleep. Cuddling while daddy read his bedtime story.

That’s it! A perfectly normal Sunday. Well no, normally there would not be this much cleaning 😉.