About me
A warm welcome
Hi, it’s so nice to have you here!
I’m Claudia: a mom and (technically) an expat. I’m also a mentor, or, as I like to call it: a “professional best friend”.
I’m both a supporter and cheerleader of (new) moms. Having learned how to become my own supporter – yes, I’m still learning – I’m an expert in self-care and needs-based communication.
Born and raised in Berlin, Germany, I’m now all about living small-town bliss in Pijnacker, the Netherlands with my husband and child.
“I support overwhelmed mothers who want to be the mom they always imagined they could be. To experience joy, confidence and self-determination in motherhood.”
Things I believe

I believe we should talk more often and openly about our struggles and worries as moms.

I want to create a safe space for mothers to come and talk about their problems, where they can connect with other moms to “build their village” and to find joy in their role as a mother.

Life is not picture perfect. I want to show more of my “Not-Instagram-Worthy” mom moments and empower other moms to do the same.

Mental health is an important topic. I talk about it, because if I don’t – who will?

As a self-proclaimed lifelong learner, I think that learning & self-knowledge are the key to a happy life.

My parenting philosophy is “peaceful parenting”, based on mutual respect, empathy, open communication, needs-oriented action. If you are a strong believer that your child just needs to “function” for you to feel better, we are not a good fit. However, I will be happy to refer you to someone who might be able to help you.
I understand your concerns
In 2016, I first became a mom. I still remember it to this day; how nervous I was about it all. At one of my last midwife appointments my midwife asked, “Are you worried about giving birth?” I said, “No, not at all”. But what I really wanted to say was, “Not about giving birth, but about having to take home a living, breathing, needy baby. I don’t feel prepared for this at all!”
I still don’t know whether I was prepared or not, but I definitely wouldn’t call myself a natural mom. Even though I quickly learned how to take care of my little one, many of my actions were accompanied by self-doubt (anyone here ever thought “Will it hurt him if I file his soft, tiny fingernails?”). It did get better over time. Looking back, I can definitely say that postpartum hormones were colouring my experience.
What I now understand from that period, is that it could have been a different experience. Through all my struggles I felt supported, helped and loved. From the family doctor coming on a home visit on day 2 of my little one’s existence in this world, to the midwife recognising that my tears were more than just ‘the baby blues’ and organising the right kind of help for me. I don’t even want to imagine where I would have ended up, had I been alone in this struggle.
This being the only experience of childbirth and postpartum care that I had had, I was prepared to mentally file this away under the ‘been there, done that’ section of my brain and carry on. Moms feel bad. Moms get help. All is well.
It wasn’t until I got to know more moms and started talking to more women about their motherhood experiences, that I came to understand that help can’t be taken for granted. That other women continue to struggle alone. I have learned that MANY women have doubts and questions, but hardly ever talk about them.
I don’t want to live in a world where moms quietly despair behind closed doors. We’ve all heard the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. In a village there are many hands to care for your child, many eyes to watch out for your child and many women who have gone before you. These women know what works and what doesn’t work in family life, and they have discovered all manner of ways to make life with a child easy.
While I can’t replicate an entire village, I can (and will) share the tools and practices that have made both my life as a mom easier and the situations with my child more loving and relaxed.
Kind words from happy moms…
With her open, approachable and honestly interested manner, Claudia made it so that the issues no longer felt so heavy. She showed me that it is okay to have these very worries.
Claudia offers a very safe place where you can come with your issues surrounding motherhood. She is not afraid of honesty, but stands beside you in a very loving way, so that you can work together with her on the things that are bothering you. She asks critical questions and helps you look at motherhood with fresh eyes.
I liked the conversations where I felt comfortable to talk. You put me at ease and gave me positive feedback. It was nice to get this positivity back from you in order to believe in myself a bit more. In addition, you let me talk and you took the things I said seriously and dealt with them.
Fun Facts about me
- I have lived in Berlin, The Hague, a very small place in Provence (France), Shanghai, and Rotterdam.
- My husband and I got married in Rotterdam Zoo. That all started with me reading wedding blogs about unusual locations and then one of us asking the question “Could we…?”
- I walked the Camino Santiago between my bachelor and my master study to figure out what I want from life. I came back with one word on my mind: courage. It’s probably also why one of my programs is called a journey.
- Dance has been with me since I was in primary school: ballroom, modern jazz, salsa, Lindy Hop, blues, you name it. I’m now trying to convince my husband to pick up something new, because I’m getting restless without regular dancing in my life.
- I had to turn 25 to figure out I love Dungeons and Dragons & Star Trek. I guess I’m a proud nerd now.
- I volunteer for Stichting PMDD Nederland, moderating their Facebook group, helping women find information on this complex topic and creating a community.
My social life
Learn how to become the mom YOU WANT TO BE and find joy (again)
2010 on the Camino Santiago
Jetlagged and excited – blues dancing in North Carolina
Delivering 5-star service at Four Seasons Resort Terre Blanche
Fun mommy moments
Not a professional meeting – playing D&D
Just Married!
First mini workation
2013: My first blues dance competition
If I wrote a bestseller, the back of the book would say…

Following her desire to travel and study abroad, Claudia has studied Hospitality Management in The Hague, the Netherlands (2006 – 2010). Working in 5-star hotels, Claudia has learned what it means to go above and beyond for a customer, which is something she strives to accomplish in all her endeavours.
Her master studies in Business Information Management (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) have taught her that all information can be organised. After receiving her degree in 2013, Claudia has combined her interest in IT with her passion for service in several customer care positions.
In 2020 Claudia discovered her genius zone: working as a solopreneur and taking the skills and tools she has collected over the years to help women cope with motherhood. Today Claudia is an expert in stress management and self-care for (expat) mothers.
No more exploding mommy!
Have you caught yourself thinking “I want some peace and quiet” recently? Only to discover you don’t know what would make you feel peaceful?
Get your Stress S.O.S Plan which will help you to communicate what you need in stressful situations.