+31 6 43702311 hello@claudiakroon.com


portrait of a young woman client of Claudia Kroon Mommy Mentor

Eline S.

Your personality really helped me to work together with confidence. You coach very lovingly, with humor but also with a lot of knowledge and from your own experience. That was a nice combination for me. There was room for my story, so we also dealt with things that bothered me more than I initially realized. I really liked the recap at the end of the program, it’s special how you can go through such a change in just a few weeks! Good to be reminded of that.

My whole vision of motherhood has become much more positive. I get to arrange my life in such a way that there is room for a baby, but also a bit of room for me to stay.

Claudia offers a very safe place where you can go with your issues around motherhood. She is not afraid of honesty, but stands beside you in a very loving way, so that you can work together with her on the things that are bothering you. She asks critical questions and helps you look at motherhood with fresh eyes.


Lenny E

Becoming a first-time mum brings with it many uncertainties, also for me. Whether it is about sleeping, feeding or playing with your child, everything is new and I was too preoccupied with thoughts like ‘am I doing it right’, ‘is my child getting enough breast milk’ and ‘am I playing with my child enough? I noticed that this sometimes made it difficult for me to enjoy my son. I was too preoccupied with wondering if I was doing everything right.

Illustration of customer avatar Caroline

The conversations I had with Claudia made me feel a lot more secure as a mother and I have learned what is normal for the average baby. Claudia listened carefully to my stories and fears and made me feel more and more confident. By listening well, asking clear questions and giving the right information, she helped me become more confident.

The mentoring makes me feel more secure and I can fully enjoy my child. We play, laugh and cuddle together and that feels really good. I can only advise other mothers to also follow mentoring by Claudia. It is very advisable in this period to have someone who can help you support these first months. Claudia helps you find your best self to be the best mom for your child, highly recommended!

Illustration of a customer avatar; red-haired woman

Catherine P.

If you

…want peer-to-peer mentoring,
…appreciate it when someone addresses your issues and concerns openly and sensitively,
need support, but can’t quite put your finger on it,
…just want to get something off your chest and feel understood, when everything feels too much,
…are looking for a mom-to-mom conversation, but it’s all about you
…then I can recommend you to do the mentoring with Claudia.

Before mentoring, I was a bit alone with my worries since moving to the Netherlands and the birth of my son. It was all just a bit much. And Corona was the last straw. I knew what wcould help me and what was important to me, but somehow I didn’t find a start and couldn’t get myself going.

The regular contact helped me to stay on the ball. With her open, approachable and honestly interested manner, Claudia made it so that the topics no longer felt so heavy. She showed me that it is ok to have these very worries. That was the most valuable thing for me. I always felt that everything I told and shared was in good hands with her.

It no longer feels like a mountain I’m facing, but a path I can take step by step. So maybe I can say that mentoring has made me a little more confident in myself.