Mom-Life-Balance Mentoring
Gain self-confidence and self-respect as a mom
Motherhood can be overwhelming, especially when the reality of your ‘new’ life isn’t what you imagined it to be. You might find yourself in a situation where you fail to plan daily activities for you and your child, because you simply lack the energy to do anything. You might feel lonely, because in between child care and household chores, you hardly leave the house.
The fact is: you know something needs to change. You know that THIS is not how you saw yourself as a mom. You want things to be different, but you don’t know what to change or where to start.
You also know that things can’t stay as they are. You feel constantly sad and exhausted. You (or maybe even the people around you) might be worried that you are headed for a burn-out. Do you find you’re asking yourself if you will ever enjoy being a mom?



Imagine a day 3 months from now, when motherhood is getting easier. It’s a day when you manage to take care of yourself and not see this as taking time away from your child. You have implemented little routines that make your day easier and help you celebrate all that you accomplish as a mom. Self-doubts rarely surface because you’re getting the support that you need. You enjoy spending time with your child.
Small Changes, Big Difference
Over the years, I have built a comprehensive toolkit for physical and mental self-care, which I offer to you in my individual mentoring programme. Over the course of 3 sessions, we will look at one or two issues that currently have a negative impact on your motherhood, and select and apply tools that will get you into a more joyful place.
Your results

A positive view to motherhood

Less insecure, more happy (as one mom put it)

Share and overcome your worries

Work continuously to improve the little things that now put you off balance

Keep going

Is this what you are looking for?
Let’s not waste any time. Let’s figure out how I can support you with your issues and re-instate your mom-life-balance.
3 months package
Back into balance quickly
Within a short-term period of +/- 3 months, I will help you to resolve one or two concrete problems to make your everyday life as a mum more relaxed again.
You get:
● 4 online coaching sessions with guided exercises to uncover the stressors in your mom-life balance
● A new weekly impulse, such as a quote, a question or a task to keep you going and working
● A weekly check-in moment for feedback to ensure the mentoring is helping you to reach your goals
● Direct contact (text messages) with me in between sessions*
The price for your personal mom-life-balance mentoring is 450,- EUR**
6 months package
Lasting balance
Over the course of 6 months, we will dive deep into all things motherhood: what your expectations were, how those expectations match your reality, what your stressors are and how to build up routines that will reduce stress in your daily life with children.
You get:
● 8 online coaching sessions
● Your personal motherhood vision board to help you keep working towards your goals and to provide a better outlook when motherhood gets hard
● A new weekly impulse, such as a quote, a question or a task to keep you going and working
● A weekly check-in moment for feedback to ensure the mentoring is helping you to reach your goals
● Direct contact (text messages) with me in between sessions*
● A collection of stress-relieving and energising exercises, which you build up throughout the time we share, that you can easily integrate into your life
The price for long-lasting balance in a personal setting is 850,- EUR**
*Doubts and loneliness can creep in when you least expect them, which is why I offer you the opportunity to contact me as those moments arise, even when they rear their ugly heads outside of sessions or check-ins
**All prices are including VAT. Payment in instalments is possible.
How does mentoring work?
After a successful First Contact session, we can agree to work together.
When you have booked the mentoring package that fits you best, I reach out to you by email to celebrate your courage and for getting help! Along with my congrats, I’ll send you the administrative stuff that needs to be taken care of before we can begin our journey together.
That email will also include an intake questionnaire, so that we can get off to a running start in our first session. This way, we both have a clear understanding of your goals.
We then schedule our online sessions, for which I’ll send you the link.
Whoo-hoo it’s time for our first session! After each session, I will send you a short recap and will give you some time to process the things we talked about.
Each week, in between sessions, we will take a moment to check-in and talk about how you are doing in general. We will also go over how you’re progressing towards your goals. In addition, I will send you fresh input each week to help you implement what we worked on in the previous session.
What moms have to say about me
It no longer feels like a mountain I’m facing, but a path I can take step by step. I can say that mentoring has made me a little more confident in myself.
There was room for my story, so we also dealt with things that bothered me more than I initially realized. I really liked the recap at the end of the program, it’s special how you can go through such a change in just a few weeks!
I enjoyed the conversations in which I felt open to talk. You put me at ease and gave me positive feedback. It was nice to get this positivity back from you in order to believe in myself a little more.
Ready to find your mom-life-balance?
Let’s go!
Frequently Asked Questions
The sessions are online. Do I need to be tech-savvy to participate?
No you don’t. The program I use simply works in your browser. You don’t need to install any software and you can access it through a meeting link. And if technology REALLY freaks you out, I’m happy to do video calls over WhatsApp or Microsoft Messenger.
Do I need to prepare anything?
In a way you’ve already done that: you have asked me for help and probably for a specific reason. I’ll ensure we zero in on that reason and on your goals through the intake questionnaire. Other than that, I need one more thing: your commitment.
Mentoring only works if the mentor and the mentee cooperate together. I can only guide you so far and give you so much input. It’s up to you to do the work and to commit to the process.
Are you all in? Because I am. I’ll be with you all the way.
Will mentoring actually help me?
I can’t guarantee that you will reach (all) your goals. I also can’t tell you that you will never feel like a bad mom again or that the negative feelings you are having won’t return.
Good sales talk, right? Absolutely, because it’s honest. There is no magic in mentoring, we can’t simply apply solution X to problem A and always expect to have outcome B.
What I can promise you is: after our mentoring programme, you will be in a different place than you were before. You will be closer to your goals than before. And I am all in, with all my knowledge, experience and support. It is extremely important to me to help you become the mom you want to be. I believe that when we work together consistently towards your goal(s), I can actually help you.
I suspect I might have postpartum depression/ anxiety/ exhaustion, is this the right place for me?
Please note that I am not a medical professional. If you suspect that you have postpartum depression, mentoring might still be the right place for you, but it cannot replace medical treatment.
Mentoring can be an additional part of your healing process because working with a mentor might help you implement practical routines. Still, mentoring is not a substitute for medical intervention.
If I suspect you might have a more serious condition than can be addressed in a mentoring framework, I will discuss this with you and might ask you to contact your primary care physician.
Can I really contact you directly in between mentoring sessions?
Yes, absolutely. Questions and problems don’t usually come with a schedule. You might have a question the day after we’ve had a call or a check-in, about going somewhere with your baby. I don’t want you to sit with that question until the next official check-in moment. Or maybe it’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon and you are in tears because you’ve had a crappy day and can’t keep the negative thoughts at bay. I don’t want you to be alone with those thoughts. I want you to know that someone sees you and hears you and can at least give you an uplifting word.
Send me a message whenever you need to and I will respond in a reasonable timeframe (probably not at 3 am, because my child will (hopefully) be sleeping through the night 😉)
Can I pay in installments?
Yes, that’s possible. Money should not be another hurdle for you to get help. I realise that I am asking you to make an investment, so if that is holding you back, let’s talk about it.